Nexfs Health Status
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Viewing Nexfs Health through the Integrated Webconsole
Querying Nexfs Health using the Management API
Viewing Nexfs Health through the Integrated Webconsole
The Health of the Nexfs System is shown on the "System Status" Page of the Nexfs Admin Portal, additionally the page presents information about the running process such as the hostname of the system nexfs is running on, the version of Nexfs, uptime, license information etc. The page also shows the last 100 Error and Critical log messages from the internal Nexfs log buffer, note that the most recent log entries start at the top of the list.
The system status follows a traffic light type colour scheme, as follows:
Blue. The Service or Subsystem is running correctly
Orange. The Service or Subsystem is in a Warning State
Red. The Service or Subsystem is in a Errored State
Grey. The Service or Subsystem is disabled or not yet initiated
The Page will automatically refresh every 60 seconds while it is open, you can click on the "Refresh" button near the top of the page to update it instantly.
Note: Many service health status checks only run once every 60 seconds, and may take two of more minutes after a configuration change for any related state change to be reflected in Nexfs Health.
Querying Nexfs Health using the Management API
Nexfs System Health can be retrieved using theGetSystemStatus Management API call
Also See Managing Nexfs Using the Management API for details on using the management api