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Nexfs Management API Documentation

Method Index


Retrieving Multiple Nexfs Configurations with a single Management API Request

Action: GetConfigs

Request the value of one or more Nexfs Configuration settings


To retrieve the installed nexfs license key (NEXFSLICENSEKEY) the requesting session must have the nexfs/GetLicenseDetails role enabled.

To find out if Nexfs is administator paused (NEXFSPAUSED) the requesting session must have the nexfs/PauseServer role enabled.

To request the value of NFSENABLED or NFSSTARTSTOP the requesting session must have the nexfs/GetNFSSubSystem role enabled.

To request the value of iSCSIENABLED or NFSSTARTSTOP the requesting session must have the nexfs/GetIScsiSubSystem role enabled.

To retrieve any other configuration value requesting session must have the nexfs/GetNexfsConfiguration role enabled.

Request Parameters

A request must be made against the nexfs management console api with the GetConfigs action.

The request must be signed with a valid AWS V4 style Signature using an active temporary session security token.




Mode must be set to 1 or 2

If the request mode is set to 1 then only the configuration values are returned

If the request mode is set to 2 then the configuration values and all configuration attributes are returned


A URI encoded json string containing a list of Nexfs configurations to return

RequestJson Format


"Configs": ["configurationlabel","configurationlabel",... ]


RequestJson Elements


Root Level tag for the request


One or more strings, each representing the name of a Nexfs configuration to be returned

Request Body

The request does not have a request body.

Response Syntax

Response for requests with Mode set to 1

HTTP1/1 200


"Configs": {

"configurationsetting string": {

"LiveValue": "string",

"ConfigValue": "string"




Response for requests with Mode set to 2

HTTP1/1 200


"Configs": {

"configurationsetting string": {

"LiveValue": "string",

"ConfigValue": "string"

,"Tag": "string"

,"Help": "string"

,"String": "string"

,"Min": "string"

,"Max": "string"

,"Restart": "string"


"configurationsetting string": {

"LiveValue": "string",

"ConfigValue": "string"

,"Tag": "string"

,"Help": "string"

,"String": "string"

,"Min": "string"

,"Max": "string"

,"Restart": "string"




Response Elements

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in json format by the service.


Root Level tag for the request response

configurationsetting string

A string tag that matches the requested RequestVar


The active value, i.e. the value currently being used by the live nexfs server.


The value stored in the nexfs startup configuration, this value will become active next time Nexfs starts


A short label for the configuration setting


A short help description for the configuration setting


If the settings requires a string value "1" or a integer "0"


If the settings requires a string value this is the minimum number of allowed character, if its requires a integer this is the smallest value allowed


If the settings requires a string value this is the maximum number of allowed character, if its requires a integer this is the largest value allowed


If the returned value is "0" then the setting can be update live without restarting Nexfs, if "1" then Nexfs must be restarted before a updated value becomes active.


Also See Rest Error Responses

400 BadRequest The request was Malformed

A BadRequest is generally returned if either RequestVar or Mode is missing from the request

400 InvalidArgument The Requested Configuration Label does not exist

There is no configuration that matches the RequestVar

401 Unauthorized The request cannot be authenticated

403 Forbidden Session does not have the rights to perform the requested action

500 InternalServerError An Internal Error was encountered

Example Request

GET http://dev01kedavpn:9200/nexfsconsoleapi?Action=GetConfigs&Mode=1&RequestJSON={%20%22Configs%22:%20[%22NEXFSPAUSED%22,%22ISCSIENABLED%22,%22NFSENABLED%22,%22NFSSTARTSTOP%22%20]%20}

Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=e01920da85cf44dfa1f670dc52073a28/20220823/nexfs/nexfsconsoleapi/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=a2123cb1c5019f61c25c844399f286d2582c9fd131e2309d5818f4ea8fd0b5b5


x-amz-date: 20220823T130753Z

Example Mode 1 Response


"Configs": {


"LiveValue": "0",

"ConfigValue": "0"



"LiveValue": "1",

"ConfigValue": "1"



"LiveValue": "1",

"ConfigValue": "1"

} ,


"LiveValue": "0",

"ConfigValue": "0"




Example Mode 2 Response


"Configs": {


"LiveValue": "0",

"ConfigValue": "0",

"Tag": "Nexfs Operations Paused",

"Help": "When paused nexfs will stop accepting file opens/creates/reads and writes, does not effect the job scheduler or bg migrations",

"String": "0",

"Min": "0",

"Max": "1",

"Restart": "0"



"LiveValue": "1",

"ConfigValue": "1",


"Help": "Enabled Intergrated iSCSI Server, 1=Enabled, 0=Disabled",

"String": "0",

"Min": "0",

"Max": "1",

"Restart": "0"



"LiveValue": "1",

"ConfigValue": "1",


"Help": "Enable NFS support, 1=Enabled, 0=Disabled",

"String": "0",

"Min": "0",

"Max": "1",

"Restart": "0"



"LiveValue": "0",

"ConfigValue": "0",


"Help": "Does Nexfs start and stop the Kernel NFS Server on Nexfs Startup and Shutdown, 1=Yes, 0=No",

"String": "0",

"Min": "0",

"Max": "1",

"Restart": "0"




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